CRFM - Montréal

450-462-8777 #6810

Saint-Jean Garrison

450-358-7099 #7955

Our email address

Veteran family program

Services offered: Veteran Family Program

Veteran Family Program

Leaving the CAF can be difficult for military members and their families, especially when the release is due to a medical condition. When a CAF member makes the transition to civilian life, he or she becomes a veteran, which also has an impact on the family. The Veteran Family Program facilitates the transition by providing information, referral services, specialized transition programs, and some traditional programs offered through MFRCs.The Veteran Family Program supports CAF members being medically released, medically released veterans, and their families. We also accept any other type of release, veterans and their families.

  • Opérational Stress Injury Resource for caregivers;
  • Mental Health First Aid for Veteran Community;
  • Veteran Family Journal;
  • Couples overcoming PTSD everyday (COPE).

Local workshops and training sessions are also available. Contact your MFRC's VFP coordinator to find out more.

The Veterans Family Program allows veterans to have access to the full range of services that offer the MFRC.

Here are some examples of the services provided

  • Individual support;
  • Various workshops and training offered;
  • Needs Assessment;
  • Etc.

Don't hesitate to contact your local MFRC to find out more about the services available to you.

Montreal Area

Saint-Hubert : (450) 462-8777, ext. 6816
Saint-Jean :(450) 358-7099, ext. 2910 / /

Quebec Area

(418) 844-6060
Sans frais : 1(877) 844-6060


(418) 677-7468

Please note that these bilingual consultation services are free, confidential, and by appointment.

CRFM - Montréal
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